
Dependable Homebuyers Helps Homeowner Struggling With Foreclosure Letter

Dependable Homebuyers is pleased to share a recent success story in which they helped a local resident deal with an unexpected foreclosure letter. Dependable Homebuyers offers homeowners the option to easily sell their houses, no matter the condition they may be in, for easy money in return.

The company highlights the story of Susan Westlen, who had received a foreclosure letter from her bank. Having lost her job due to a round of downsizing in her company, she had come to find herself behind on payments. However, the problem was that she had invested a lot of money into her home, and she did not want to lose all of it. She needed to find a buyer quickly — and was searching online when she came across Dependable Homebuyers. More information about how Dependable Homebuyers can help with foreclosures can be found here: https://www.dependablehomebuyers.com/foreclosure/.

Westlen says, “Losing a home is a terrible thing. Since I lost my job, just staying afloat has been hard enough without the added pressure of making payments on my house. Still, I didn’t expect that foreclosure letter to arrive that quickly, and when it did, I was completely stumped as to what I could do. I’d put a lot of money into this place, and just giving it up was not something I could imagine doing. I asked around, got recommendations from friends and family, but none of the options I found seemed right.”

She continues, “Then, I found Dependable Homebuyers when I was searching online for an easy, and more importantly, quick way to sell my house for a fair price. I got in touch with them and explained my situation. They came through for me. Though this whole process has been very stressful, I was glad to hear that I had more options than just waiting for eviction. They came by, took a look at my place and gave me a reasonable offer. Once we talked it out, I agreed to the sale, and within days they took the house off my hands and paid me in cash. I still don’t like that I’ve lost my house, but without Dependable Homebuyers’ help, I’d be in a much worse place.”

While foreclosures are complex processes with many moving parts, the advantage for homeowners like Susan is the fact that, more often than not, homeowners still have the option to sell the home and satisfy the outstanding mortgage in full (along with any penalties and fees associated with the foreclosure) through an agreement with the lender. This can happen up until the home is sold at auction or the lenders take possession. More details about the foreclosure process can be found at https://rebrand.ly/foreclosureletter.

The fact that many lenders hate foreclosures works in the homeowners favor. Foreclosures are expensive and time-consuming, involving lawyers and expenses at multiple stages of the process, and they can also create bad publicity for banks. Due to these reasons, many banks will agree to a ‘short sale’ where the homeowner will sell their home for less than the total owed, and the bank agrees to accept a lower figure as well.

As Dependable Homebuyers explains, the banks can benefit from this as well — which is why they agree to it. For one, they can write the difference between the amount owed as a loss, allowing them to get a tax benefit, and they avoid the pain of the foreclosure process entirely. Even in cases where they can foreclose with certainty, the money they may lose during the process is more than the loss they will take if they agree to a short sale.

Dependable Homebuyers offers an easy solution to foreclosure problems. If a homeowner gets in touch with their team, the company can offer a no-obligation cash offer in less than 24 hours. The homeowner will pay no fees, and they will have cash in their hand in as little as seven days. This allows the homeowners to resolve their debt, get themselves out of foreclosure, salvage their credit with their dignity intact and avoid any unnecessary hassle along the way.

Those who want to sell their home or simply want to learn more about the range of services provided by Dependable Homebuyers are welcome to visit the company’s website to get started. Alternatively, sellers can also reach out to the company via their email address or phone number.


For more information about Dependable Homebuyers, contact the company here:

Dependable Homebuyers
Dependable Homebuyers
(443) 219-8331
7089 Copperwood Way, Columbia, MD 21046
