
Pro Fence Builders Brisbane, Now Offering All Types of Timber Fencing and Repair Services

Pro Fence Builders Brisbane, Now Offering All Types of Timber Fencing and Repair Services
Pro Fence Builders Brisbane

Brisbane, QLD - Top Fence contractor in Brisbane, Queensland, Pro Fence Builders Brisbane has announced that they now offer custom Brisbane Timber Fencing to go along with their ultra modern swimming pool fences and neighbour friendly Aluminium Slat fence installation and restoration services. The company, known for its top-level craftsmanship, has decades of experience and guarantees that customers will always get the very best services at all times.

Announcing their custom timber fence builds in Brisbane and timber fencing repairs and restoration service, the representative for the company noted that customers will be able to choose from the wide range of options offered to beautify their property.

Pro Fence Builders Brisbane offer Chain wire fencing, Brisbane Dog Fence, Aluminium slat fences, pool fences and timber fences in Brisbane, QLD. All of these options offer an optimal privacy barrier while also remaining aesthetically pleasing from both sides.

Customers can also choose the lattice option that has been designed to provide varying degrees of additional privacy to customers, depending on the style they have chosen for their property. With the additional lattice, customers can rest assured that their home will get a new decorative feel while also getting the desired level of privacy. Customers who choose to add lattice will have access to options of diagonal lattice, square lattice, privacy lattice, piano key lattice, as well as the arched piano key lattice.

Their mission is to provide clients with a quality product and reliable service while remaining cost-effective and transparent. The quality of thier product begins with the initial plan and design, developed by the owners of Pro Fence Builders Brisbane and ends with their construction, delivered by builders with decades of experience. The owners of the business stated, “We understand that finding an honest and reliable contractor can be difficult and we are committed to exceeding your expectations and making your experience with Pro Fence Builders Brisbane as easy and pain-free as possible”.

In addition to their Brisbane Timber Fencing Service, Pro Fence Builders Brisbane also offers many different types of horizontal fencing as well as the tried and true economical nail on style fences. Pro Fence Builders Brisbane strives to be the very best fence contractor in the Brisbane region. The team takes pride in offering restoration services with a specialty in new fence builds, fence staining, deck staining, deck restoration, fence repairs, arbor restorations, and more. Those in need of fence restoration or new fence builds can trust the team at Pro Fence Builders Brisbane to deliver.

Media Contact
Company Name: Pro Fence Builders Brisbane
Contact Person: Karl Palmer
Email: Send Email
Phone: (07) 3132 0879
Address:28b/135 Macquarie St
City: Teneriffe
State: QLD 4005
Country: Australia
Website: https://www.profencesbrisbane.com/