
Xome Introduces Virtual Auction Game

New auction simulator provides access to virtual scenarios based on real data, designed for aspiring investors to learn about purchasing real estate online and put their skills to the test

Xome®, a leading real estate marketplace, today announced the launch of Xome Auction Simulator, a game which allows users to learn and experience the thrill of online real estate auctions. Through this gamified simulation, novice investors can get more comfortable with the process of finding and evaluating properties and participating in real-world auctions, all in a fun environment with no real-world financial risk.

“Xome Auction Simulator is designed to give homebuyers, whether new investors or knowledgeable homeowners, a realistic opportunity to experience and better understand how to buy real estate online,” said Mike Rawls, CEO, Xome. “Creating this game is a great example of the type of innovations Xome is bringing to the market, and we are excited to launch this tool as a way to educate buyers as they consider making smart real estate investments in a digital environment.”

The game will be introduced to attendees at the BiggerPockets Conference, BPCON2023, happening Oct. 15-17 in Orlando. In the game, you can explore a virtual city called Auctionland, which is modeled on actual property data from cities across the nation to simulate scenarios that investors may encounter while engaging in online real estate auctions. In this game, you can:

  • Search for and identify ideal properties that match your objectives
  • Conduct research and necessary due diligence
  • Set your investment budget and bid strategically on targeted properties
  • Decide whether to flip or rent properties post-auction and watch your real estate portfolio grow

Once players feel like they have enough experience under their belt, they can leverage their learnings to search, bid and buy in the real world on Xome’s online auction platform more confidently.

“Innovations like the Xome Auction Simulator demonstrate the role and competitive advantage that Xome’s technology and customer-centric approach has in this business,” said James Curl, CTO, Xome. “Especially created for visual learners, this game provides the opportunity to experience investing in real estate online while having fun, and early feedback has been very positive.”

Visit www.xome.com/simulator to play now.


Real estate investing involves risk. Results may vary. © 2023 Xome Inc.; Xome Realty Services LLC; Xome CT LLC (CT properties only); Xome PR LLC (PR properties only); Xome OH LLC (OH properties only).

About Xome

Xome is a premier asset management company with a best-in-class auction platform providing mortgage servicers end-to-end asset marketing and disposition strategies, recapture solutions and real estate and data services. Based in the Dallas area, Xome is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Mr. Cooper Group Inc. (NASDAQ: COOP). For more information, please visit www.xome.com.