
What is the difference between polydextrose and glucose?

Polyglucose is another name for water-soluble dietary fiber. Soluble in water, no special taste.

Glucose is a monosaccharide, which is the most common carbohydrate substance in nature. It is also the main source of many nutrients and energy for the human body.

There are both connections and differences between the two. We can understand the relationship between them from several aspects.

We can see from the literal meaning that polydextrose and glucose are different in molecular structure, and then there are certain differences in physical and chemical properties. Polydextrose is a condensation polymer with no regular bond of glucose. Polyglucose is a polysaccharide, while glucose is a monosaccharide. Polyglucose is not easily digested and absorbed by the human body, and glucose is absorbed directly after entering the body. Compared with glucose, polyglucose is a special carbohydrate with low calorie and low glycemic index, and has the characteristics of water-soluble dietary fiber and prebiotics.

The main differences between the two are in composition and molecular structure. Polyglucose contains the properties of glucose, but glucose does not fully possess the properties of polyglucose.

Polyglucose is mainly made of glucose and a small amount of sorbitol, citric acid polymerization, is the main combination of glucose polysaccharide.

It contains 89% glucose, 10% sorbitol and 1% citric acid, and glucose is a monosaccharide that can be directly absorbed by the human body and is an important source of nutrients and energy for the body. It is also an important industrial raw material in many foods and medicines.

Polyglucose exists in the form of glucose isomerized carbon combined with sugar, which is a food component with health function and can supplement the water-soluble dietary fiber required by the human body. After entering the human digestive system, polyglucose produces special physiological and metabolic functions, thereby preventing constipation and fat deposition. Its use in foods helps to reduce the calories and sugar in jams and fillings, and can reduce the migration of moisture from fillings to dough or pastries, extending their shelf life.


In addition, compared with glucose, polyglucose has the following characteristics:

1. High water solubility

Polyglucose is easily soluble in water, and it can dissolve about 80% when the temperature reaches 25 ° C, and the dissolution speed is accelerated with the increase of temperature. It is therefore used in some beverage products.

2. High viscosity of solution

At the same concentration, the viscosity of polyglucose solution is higher than that of sucrose solution and sorbitol solution. So it creates the taste and texture of polydextrose in foods that can replace sugars or lipids.

3. Strong moisture

In the case of relatively high temperature, polyglucose will fully absorb water when it is in a solid state, so polyglucose can also be used as a moisturizing agent for food, control the humidity change of food, and play a certain anti-corrosion role. It is suitable for the production of some pastries, steamed buns, jams and fillings.Foods made with polyglucose instead of sugar and fat are used to meet the needs of people who need to consume low calories and maintain health and people with diabetes to eat in moderation, and it is expected that the use of polyglucose will increase in the future.

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