
Fifth Third Employees Claim Tree Saplings, Plant Trees in Honor of Arbor Day

SOURCE: Fifth Third Bancorp


Arbor Day celebrates the importance of trees and encourages Americans to plant them. In honor of the day, Fifth Third Bank gave away 400 bur oak and pin oak seedlings April 28 to employees at its Madisonville Campus and downtown Fifth Third Center in Cincinnati where Fifth Third is headquartered.

Trees help filter our air and water, slow climate change, foster biodiversity and enhance our communities. Bur oak and pin oak trees thrive in Ohio’s climate, reaching 60 to 70 feet in height. Fifth Third planted three of the seedlings on its Madisonville campus in Cincinnati.

Tweet me: In honor of #ArborDay, @FifthThird gave away 400 bur oak and pin oak seedlings to employees at its Madisonville Campus and downtown Fifth Third Center in Cincinnati where Fifth Third is headquartered: https://bit.ly/3xohCMZ

KEYWORDS: NASDAQ:FITB, Fifth Third Bank, Arbor Day, Trees

Collage of Fifth Third Bank employees